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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 In my last post I mentioned that you can find lots of brand new Target items at Goodwill.  Well, I wanted to show you what all I found at Goodwill yesterday so as to prove that I'm not pulling anyone's chain on this.  Here are a few brand new items I picked up yesterday from the lovely Goodwill...

Queen air matress (NIB) = $10
This is a little random, but ours popped and
I love a good bargain.
Curtain Rod (NIB) $6.00
Target blue throw pillows (NEW)= $5.00  
Still need a few other throws.  
Look @ August posing for the picture.  
He's so darn cute!

You'll love this- these are the exact same pillows I paid full price
 for a few months ago.  What!?!?
 Sprig of Hydrangeas = .10

H&M top = .85

Target dress & Hat =  $4.50
(I don't normally shop for clothes, but every once in a while
 something will catch my eye.  Like these. 
 Hat is new, dress is not, but I'm totally ok with that)
In addition to Goodwill, I really love thrifting in general- garage sales, craigslist....you name it.  There are some things you don't buy used (undergarments, pillows (remember, the ones I bought were new) and anything icky poo poo, but there is PLENTY that you can and spray paint works wonders.  I don't know what I'm going to do when my thrifting pal, Tooter (aka Grandma), isn't around to go with anymore.  It makes me sad to even think about, but I feel slightly better knowing that we'll always have this pastime together.

Oh and p.s.
The Goodwill Outlet was a trip!  If you've ever been to one then you know it's cut throat.  Not sure if that kind of thrifting is my cup of tea.


  1. Which goodwill do you go to? The one in Edwardsville has shoes from Target brand new...sizes 5-6.5 only.

    1. Ewwww good to know!!! You know how I struggle with my tiny feet! I go to...all of them...really. Whatever town I'm in and if I have the time. Usually Wood River b/c it's closest, but I go to Eville's quite a bit. Not a big fan of Alton's, but I still go b/c you never know!! I went to the outlet and the other one down the street in STL a few days ago. The store was fantastic, but didn't really care for the outlet as much.
      Oh and thank you so much for commenting!!! Muah!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love your blog Whitney! I just started one on here too with knitting, but I cannot figure out how to make my title on the top look as cute as you did. Any tips? Btw, I want to go thrifting with you sometime! I went to that Goodwill Outlet last week, but was overwhelmed. lol

  4. Hey Joanna! Thanks so much, I'm glad you like it! I had never thought much about blogging before, but now I completely love it. What's your blog address? I'd love to check it out.
    As far as the design element of blogging goes--I'm still trying to figure it out myself. This HTML business is over my head. My template is one I found online- you can click on the button at the top left of my page and it should take you there. There are a number of sites that have free templates and others where you pay a small amount to have one sort of "made" for you. It's pretty cheap to go that route too if you're wanting it to look super professional. I may eventually do that because I get annoyed with the spacing issues with this one. Anyway, that's just my amateur two cents on that subject.
    My next goal is to get a really nice camera so that all my pictures don't look like crap..lol :). Thanks for following me!!!
