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Saturday, February 2, 2013

January Reads

 Read all my Rants and Raves for January on my 
GoodReads link 

Friday, February 1, 2013


: to adore or have a very strong liking

Here are some of the things I'm loving this Valentine's Day

The Taner Bar necklace by Gorjana.  
This is my official Vday gift from my husband.  I loved it so much that I  bought one for my sister too.  

This photo  
Every. Single. Thing. About. This. Photo.

This nursery 
By one of my favorite bloggers @ Kelly Hicks

This Jacket
I got this MK jacket from my momma for xmas and can't express enough how much I love it.  Mine is black/black not purple, but I couldn't seem to find that photo.  This is close enough.

For my husband's gift I'm planning on something to commemorate the late, great Stan Musial.  The moment he heard the news of Stan's passing he went down to the basement to retrieve his autographed baseball and it hasn't left our living room since.   I'm thinking a photograph or perhaps framed newspaper clipping would go nicely with his prized possession.  Especially when they are all back in the basement where they belong.  Whatever it is, the choice will be his.