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Monday, February 20, 2012

Ugh, it's time

It's that time of the year again that I absolutely loathe.  I think they call it "tiredofbeingabigfatwinterslob."  Yep, that's what they call it.  I've decided to get extra serious this year and publicly trend my progress.  That means an opening weigh in- heck, I may even take a picture (probably not ;)).  The goal is simple.  To make these already purchased bikinis look good.
Goal in lbs

The plan
I particularly like this blog for food/menu
And this for my initial exercise plan.

June 2nd  (114 days)

Starting weight

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! This is so brave and inspiring. Super proud of you and I can't wait to watch your progress on here.
