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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A few months ago I discovered Polyvore and had a little fun designing baby rooms.  Here are two of my first creations.  I'm sure that when this day arrives there will be lots and lots more.  Enjoy...

Baby Girl
Baby Boy
(If either of these show up on Pinterest I will feel like a celebrity!) :) lol
And as promised....

Wednesday Weigh In
125 lbs.   
Although Clay and I have been sticking to our low cal/fresh food diets, we have also been exercising daily; cardio, weights, core, etc.  So, as expected I put on a few lbs.  Muscle weighs more than fat and all that jazz.  No worries here, feelin great!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adventures in sewing

My mother-in-law bought me a sewing machine for Christmas because I voiced the need to be able to hem my own clothing (rockin 5'0 over here :)). The only minor hiccup is that I haven't sewn anything since my h.s. home economics class years and years ago...eek!  Still, I took the bull by the horns (so to speak) and after a little practice I was ready to tackle my first project; burp cloths.  I chose this project because the tutorial on Pinterest seemed SUPER simple and I have 4 baby showers in the next 3 months.  Perfect, right?  Let's just say that sewing a rectangle was slightly more difficult than I thought it would be???  Feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong??

I started with this fabric that I purchased from Joanns.  Flannel prints and chenille for my backing.

I followed all the steps on the tutorial only to find that my fabrics like to slip about a 1/2inch or so regardless of how well I pin them?  Is this just the nature of the two fabrics together?  I dunno, I need to ask the experts I guess.  The good thing is that this project is very forgiving and I think they turned out pretty darn good.  Hope my mommy's-to-be like them.  I know we do!


"Now if only you had a fake baby to burp" --Clay

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Changing ways

Disclaimer:  I promise not to write about diet stuff every time I post.  Girls (any girl---> including me) can quickly get on my nerves talking too much about weight loss.  It's just an exhausting conversation.  It's natures beast.  Ok, I'm stepping off my soapbox now and onto the change.

Welcome Coffee
I have never been a coffee drinker before because warm beverages in the morning do not tempt me.  I want an ice cold glass of milk followed by a glass of milk and another glass of milk.  It's SO hard for me not to consume the mass amounts of milk that I want in the a.m..  With that said, I have also always secretly wanted to belong to the cool coffee drinking club.

Seriously, don't coffee drinkers just look bad-to-the-ass??!!

 So, I am making a conscious effort to drink coffee.  I find that I prefer it in the afternoon when I'm starting to get a little hungry and tired.  Here are some other benefits of drinking coffee that I recently learned...

And for fun...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I got my first comment today!

Thank you  http://chadykathie.wordpress.com/ for being my RockiN friend and sending your love!  She and I often talk about writing into the void or who is actually maybe reading our blogs.  Please feel free to share your (positive) thoughts anytime or send me in a direction that inspires YOU!  

On another note.  I'm purchasing something via Craigslist tomorrow at the West County Mall and it is my sincere hope that this is not my last post.  I've taken all the precaution I can muster by meeting in the ever populated food court of a mall and telling the whole world that I'm going.  Man....what I will do for a deal.  Who else feels that Craigslist is just a wee bit frickin scary?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who runs the world- Girls!

I mentioned in my last post that I have a slight obsession with Nicole Richie---Britney ranks pretty darn high on my list too.  Watch as two of my favorite worlds collide here.
Bucket List:  learn this dance!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ugh, it's time

It's that time of the year again that I absolutely loathe.  I think they call it "tiredofbeingabigfatwinterslob."  Yep, that's what they call it.  I've decided to get extra serious this year and publicly trend my progress.  That means an opening weigh in- heck, I may even take a picture (probably not ;)).  The goal is simple.  To make these already purchased bikinis look good.
Goal in lbs

The plan
I particularly like this blog for food/menu
And this for my initial exercise plan.

June 2nd  (114 days)

Starting weight

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I just rushed out to get the hubby a lil something before the snow hits tonight.  <Yuck to snow>   The lil biscuit has been whining (yes, whining like a 10yr old lil boy) about not getting the 2011 Cardinals World Series dvd since Christmas, soooo that is clearly what I got him.  Let the whining cease! And on a much more fun note :), I also copied an ADORABLE idea that I got from Pinterest as a lil morning treat---YUM!
Clay gave me my V-tine gift over the weekend----these new curtains from World Market that I've been eyeing for about 4 months.  They finally went on sale and I had a coupon so we splurged!  This room is not even close to being finished, but she's on her way now!  I'll post more on this room later...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

And that brings us to today!!

There are a few happenings going on in our lives at the moment.  The first HUGELY fun one is that we booked our trip with the Millers a few days ago.  Dominican Republic <------we shall see you again in June!!  We decided to stay at the Riu Palace Bavaro for several reasons, but mostly b/c...

1.  It's BRAND new- opened Dec 2011
2.  & There are liquor dispensers in the room!  I will post a picture of ours when we get back.  I'm so entertained by this feature!
The 2nd happening is....
That we are finally finishing the basement.  I use the word "finally" loosely because I haven't really been pushing this project until recently.  AND I'm so proud that I have been very "hands-on" with this project.  I helped build this wall! 
And the final happening....I'm newly retired! Well, at least that's what I'm calling it.  :)  I technically graduated with my Master's in Ed in Dec., but mid-semester isn't exactly the best time to be looking for a teaching job.  So, I'm subbing here and there, but mostly working with my father-in-law on the projects going on in the basement.  It's been really fun being able to do both and make my own schedule.  First time in the past 6 years that I can honestly say I'm NOT stressed.
In my new found retirement I have also picked up a tiny bit of crafting.  Sewing to be specific.  Today was my first time shopping for fabric and I MAY have gone a little overboard.  What do you think? ;)0  More to come on this...

1st Post! Let's do some catching up...

For our very first post EVER I thought it might be good to snapshot our life together up until this point.  When we look back at this in x?# of years, I'll be happy I wrote this down.  Maybe the first thing to divulge about me is that I truly have the worst memory of anyone I know.  Lucky for us, Clay has an excellent memory, but I doubt he'll be doing much blogging.  Nevertheless...here we go!

A few life events- in order :)  and yes, someday I'll have to explain to our children why mommy & daddy did things a little bit backwards.
#1. Bought a house!  Feb. 2008
#2. Brought home 2 beautiful lil babes- 
Auggie & Maris
 #3.  Lovecation #2 Rivera Maya- Paradisus
Lovecation #1 was in the Dominican Republic @ Sunscape the Beach
#4.  Engagemencation-Puerto Vallarta
#5.  Wedding Day! July 15, 2011
#6.  Honeymoon-Negril, Jamaica- Couple's Swept Away